Community First Herefordshire & Worcestershire Programs
Community First is at the forefront of sustainable, robust community development in the outstanding rural counties of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Our charity has been providing infrastructure support across the two counties since 1990. From ensuring people have vital access to public transport to saving village halls and pubs to working with partners to support people with mental health and well-being needs.
Although an independent organisation, Community First is also an active member of the national network of 38 Rural Community Councils under Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE).
Access Training and Support
The Wellbeing and Recovery College allows you to access free courses to give you the skills to manage your mental health and wellbeing. Visit to see all of your options and sign up today!
See our recent Interim Social Impact Report - here
Village Hall Support
Join our village hall network and get support and advice for your organisation including village hall health checks, dementia friendly buildings, sustainability and digital inclusion.
Use our contact form to tell us if you are interested in what we can do for you.
Enabling Rural Affordable Housing
We have secured DEFRA funding, administered by ACRE, to give us the opportunity to work alongside rural communities and in collaboration with the Local Authority and Registered Providers to address the shortage in provision of affordable rural homes.
Click here for more information
Bulk Buying Heating Oil for Village Halls & Rural Homes
We have negotiated bulk buying prices for oil to be used in homes or village halls across both counties.
Click here for more information
Elmley Foundation Small Grants
This scheme is for community groups in Herefordshire and Worcestershire planning arts events or purchases. There are two funds – Events and Activities and Arts Equipment. Both offer up to all the projected cost, to a maximum of £1,000. There are separate Guidelines for each fund. The scheme is administered on behalf of the Foundation by Community First, the Community Council for Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
Click here for more information